Photographers - Social Influencers - Bloggers - Small Businesses - Moms - More
There is only one thing in my business that I love more than photographing and that’s teaching others how to photograph!
Being my own boss, creating this business from the ground up, and having the freedom to live the life I want is something that anyone can have, but few will actually make it happen for themselves.
My goal for MLP Education is to take my experience, my knowledge and passion for this job and share it with as many people as possible! My hope is that through our online courses, webinars, templates, and free education, they too can experience the life-changing results of running a profitable business that they love! Whether my students be a social media influencer needing to learn how to take better selfies to promote products, fashion bloggers needing advice on flattering poses, new photographers jumping into the industry, or moms trying to take better images of their children... no matter the goal I am here to education!